A stovepipe failure is a name given to a casing that catches in the slide before it closes. This traps the shell in the gap between the slide and chamber, forcing rounds to misfeed and your weapon to stop firing. So why does a Glock have a stovepipe failure?
When a Glock has stovepipe failure, there could be issues with how the gun was held during firing or internal problems that prevent the slide from doing its job. The most common reason a Glock will stovepipe is the gun needs cleaning or the ammo is defective.
Firing malfunctioning weapons can be frustrating and cause anxiety for gun owners. Don’t sweat it! Glocks were made to be fixed. So read on and learn why a Glock will have stovepipe ejection issues.

Why a Glock can Stovepipe
You shouldn’t be distressed by a stovepipe failure because it doesn’t necessarily mean that the firearm malfunctioned, more that it has not been serviced correctly or there were issues with how the gun was held during firing.
Malfunctions are rare with Glocks, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t steps to take to ensure safe firing.
What Causes a Gun to Stovepipe?
A stovepipe failure occurs when there is a weak phase in cycling, and the round fails to eject correctly. It causes the spent casing to jam between the slide and chamber opening, making your weapon unusable until it is fixed. If it keeps happening, you should check a few things to determine the main root of the problem.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
A few things you can check when your Glock stovepipes are as follows:
- Cleanliness – If your gun has a constant streak of stovepiping, you should check the inside of the weapon for carbon scoring. Carbon builds up on the inside when you fire and could hinder the action if you do not clean it regularly. Glock has an excellent section of instruction manuals online (source: us.glock.com) if you need help determining when to clean and maintain.
- The Shooter – One of the ways that a Glock can stovepipe is if it isn’t held correctly by the shooter. When firing, if the gun barrel isn’t held level, it could misfire. Limp-Wristing means that your hand doesn’t control the recoil, and the barrel rises to a height that prevents the weak ejection process.
- Cheap Ammo – Another culprit behind stovepiping could be lousy ammo. In the recent shortages, there were reports that cheap rounds from other countries could cause the casings to cause jams and stovepipes. If you can’t afford the good stuff, research and find dependable ammo before heading out to the range.
Glock is one of the most dependable firearms made today. Their tiny pool of firing issues can be traced back to a few significant issues that are often easy to fix. If you encounter a problem out of your comfort zone, look for a gunsmith in your area and have them give you proper service.
Here’s a video showing a stovepipe and how to fix it:
Why Does my Glock Keep Stove Piping?
If your firearm continues to stovepipe, there are some steps to take that will allow you to shoot rounds without any failures. Remember that if the person shooting is new to guns, they could require some training before heading out with live rounds.
Fixing the Stovepipe Misfeed is a Simple Process
So, when a stovepipe happens, There’s a way to fix the stovepipe that doesn’t put the shooter in danger and allows you to keep firing.
Fixing misfeeds can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing and safety when firing is the most important part of any range activity. Clearing misfeeds and malfunctions can be scary, but by following some rules, you will be just fine.
The steps to fix a stovepipe when firing your Glock are as follows:
- Identify the Problem – The first thing to do is to make sure that you have the stovepipe malfunction, not just a double or misfeed. The trademark sign is the spent casing sticking up out of the chamber like a stovepipe on an old pot-belly stove. It can be straight up or at an angle but has to be wedged in the chamber to be a stovepipe.
- Stay Safe – At this point, you should concentrate on your safety. If there are other rounds in the mag, you should eject it and place it to the side. Do not place your hand in front of the barrel if there’s a possibility the weapon could fire. Safety is paramount when shooting, and malfunctions are part of that safety.
- Clear the Stovepipe – The best thing to do at this point is to grip the handle of your Glock and let your off-hand cover the slide. Remember that you must keep your digits away from the barrel opening. Once your hand is flat on the top of the slide, move it back and clear the stovepiped round from the chamber.
- Charge the Firearm – Once you have the stovepipe out of the way, you should pull back the slide to ensure there wasn’t a double feed. One of the first mistakes people make is trying to check for the double feed while removing the stovepipe. This could lead to a double feed when two rounds attempt to enter the chamber.
Being safe and knowing how to control a malfunction like a stovepipe or double feed is part of shooting. You must learn how to accomplish these tasks in a safe manner that protects you and your partners at the range.
Remember that after a good range session, you must sit down for a round of cleaning, or you can expect worse problems down the road.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
Fixing a stovepipe on your Glock is an easy operation that requires you to be safe above all else. But, unfortunately, when dealing with firearms, there’s always a chance for injury or death. So always remove excess ammo and maintain muzzle awareness wherever you are.
Remember that stovepipes can occur for a few reasons, but the most obvious is how the weapon is held during firing. By taking a more stable grip on the gun, you prevent it from rising to the point that the ejection process is weakened. Stay safe when firing, and remember to