A Glock pistol is an impressive sidearm known for being dependable and smooth-firing. There are several different models, and knowing which suits your shooting style could take time. So why is my Glock inaccurate, and what can I do about it?
A Glock will usually not be accurate due to user error or the shooters inexperience. While it is possible that a Glock will misaligned sights or some other manufacturer defect, they are widely regarded as accurate handguns.
Pistols are often some of the least accurate weapons at a distance of more than 50 yards. If you are shooting for accuracy, there are things you can practice that will allow you to get more shots in the ten-ring and create tighter groups. Read on and learn why your Glock is inaccurate and how you can fix it.

Reasons Why Your Glock is Not Accurate
There’s an old saying that a bad carpenter blames his tools. It means that sometimes people are bad at things and will blame their instruments instead of getting down to brass tacks and getting more proficient with their craft. Unless the firearm comes from the factory with malfunctions, it will fire accurately.
Glocks are Designed for Accuracy
The people at Glock want you to have the best firearm they can make. Your and your family’s safety could depend on how well the gun hits targets when fired.
If you have a weapon that appears to have barrel issues, you should notify Glock and allow them to fix it. Otherwise, Glock handguns are as accurate as any other gun you can buy.
Practicing is the Best Way to Fix Inaccuracy
There’s no secret to learning how to be a good shot. All you need to do is know the basics and love shooting; the sky is the limit.
By taking time at home to practice with your unloaded gun and transitioning to firing live rounds, you make terrific strides in improving your accuracy. Practice gun safety and always keep loaded weapons pointed downrange.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
The things to practice to improve your accuracy are:
- Grip – Learning to hold your Glock, loaded or unloaded, is one of the first things you must master. Your grip influences how recoil is handed and if the slide has enough room to complete the ejection phase of shooting. A limp wrist could contribute to stovepipe malfunctions that prevent rounds from being ejected.
- Stance – You should stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with a slight forward lean. By inching your firing foot back slightly, you create a solid stance that will allow you to use your knees to absorb force from the weapon. Your stance will also govern how fast you can switch targets as well.
- Sight Picture – What do you see when you look down the sites? What you see is called the sight picture, and knowing what to look at when shooting is critical for your accuracy. If your gun has optics or iron sights, you must learn to hit what you are shooting at.
- Trigger Squeeze – Some people have to learn that jerking a trigger instead of squeezing it leads to inaccuracy. You must learn appropriate trigger squeeze to ensure the barrel stays level and is back on target as quickly as possible. Wrenching the trigger means you must spend more time getting back on target.
- Breathing – Your breath is an essential task you must master. Squeezing the trigger at the end of your exhale will make you more accurate and prevent the muzzle from jumping when firing. If your breath is ragged, you will have a hard time hitting targets; you must go to a calm place in your mind when shooting.
Once you have the basics down, you will see your accuracy improve. It is important to remember that these skills are not permanent.
It takes constant work to become accurate, and having a Glock as your sidearm should leave you with no worries. Enjoy your practice time, and always remember to practice safety for yourself and those around you.
Here’s a good video showing Glock accuracy problems:
Are Glock Pistols Accurate?
Glock has some of the best engineers and gunsmiths in the game. They create pistols that are accurate and dependable with a long life.
Glocks are some of the most accurate guns on the market, and they have a reputation of being on target new out of the box. Accuracy depends on the shooter, and blaming your sidearm is only acceptable when there is a visible malfunction.
Which Model of Glock is Most Accurate?
The most accurate Glock is the G34 (source: us.glock.com). It was designed with an extended barrel that allows for a more precise shot. More rifling inside the barrel gives the bullet a straighter flight and makes it better at hitting your target. Other Glock models, like the 17, are accurate but aren’t explicitly designed for accuracy like the G34.
The G34 was created as a target-shooting pistol. Other Glock models favor a combat style of shooting that could eschew stopping power over accuracy.
Choosing a G34 will cost a bit more than other models of Glock. The extra you pay is worth it if you are a competition shooter looking for an edge or a hobbyist looking to make strides with your weapon.
How Far are Glocks Accurate?
Glock pistols are accurate up to 55 yards. This might not seem like much, but you must remember that handguns aren’t made for anything past self-defense. They are designed to kill; if you want to hit things over 50 meters, you might need to invest in a rifle and stay away from handguns.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
Glocks are accurate pistols no matter what type of sight you are using or which model you choose. Accuracy is something that belongs in the realm of the shooter’s responsibilities. While some pistols could have defects that make them unusable, the barrel and the rifling are parts that don’t usually fail.
You must practice a few things at home and the range to become more accurate. By learning how to carry, aim, and fire the weapon properly, your chances of hitting the target rise. You must always practice muzzle awareness and not point loaded weapons at anything other than targets.