A significant problem you see people talking about in the gun forums is their Glock shooting low and to the left. This is a normal thing that occasionally happens and can be blamed on a couple of issues, not a laundry list of problems. So why does my Glock shoot low and to the left, and how do I fix it?
Your Glock shoots low and to the left because of shooter anticipation and not applying your trigger finger correctly. Glocks are known as accurate firearms, and if you find yourself outside the ten-ring, it is unlikely sight misalignment.
It is always a good idea to trust your firearm. If you have lost faith in your weapon, it could be because of bad habits you picked up while training and not because of something that gun is doing. Don’t sweat it! You can correct the problems with your shot with a bit of practice. Read on and learn why your Glock shoots low and to the left and how you can fix it.

Why Your Glock is Shooting Low and Left
One of the great things the internet has done is allow a wealth of information about shooting out to people who are new to guns or are looking to improve their accuracy. The information out there teaches you that sometimes the problem is the person holding the Glock, not the Glock itself.
Recoil Anticipation Causes Shooting Low and Left
Flinching is a normal thing that is instinctual. It is your fight-or-flight instinct taking over. When you fire a weapon, your body will have a natural reaction, and you must learn how to control it.
You must work to overcome this recoil anticipation, and there’s a drill you can do that will help you stop anticipating the recoil.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
The steps to cure your recoil anticipation are as follows:
- Set Your Target – You first need to set up a target about ten yards away. It needs to be a new target with no holes. Set it about chest height and ensure that there’s nothing behind it. It should be stable and not impacted by wind or elements.
- Load Some Dummies – The next thing is where things get interesting. You need to have a few dummy rounds. Dummies are rounds that will not fire when they enter the chamber and force you to clear them before firing another shot. Take the time to load the dummies and live rounds randomly so you don’t know the order when firing.
- Fire the Glock – The fun part is always getting some rounds downrange. Take your shooter’s stance and aim for the ten-ring on your target. You will notice yourself flinch as you fire and encounter the dummy rounds. As you go through the mag, learn to fight the instinct and focus on your sight picture.
- Rinse and Repeat – Once you can control where the shots go, take the target down and start over. Again, remember to load dummies randomly, so you have yet to learn what will happen when pulling the trigger.
The dummy drill is a fun exercise that allows you to work on your recoil anticipation and what to do when you clear the weapon. Remember to practice gun safety and never point a loaded weapon at another person.
Here’s a good video explaining low left shooting:
Over Gripping the Glock can Lead to Shooting Low and Left.
The other thing that can happen when shooting low and to the left is that you grip the trigger so hard that you change the weapon’s angle. Over-gripping the Glock means you close your hand and wrist when you pull the trigger. You can control this problem by learning to squeeze the trigger with just your finger.
A few things to try when over-gripping the Glock are as follows:
- Dry Firing – The easiest way to determine if you are using too heavy a grip on your Glock is by dry firing. Pick a target and place your front sight on it. When you pull the trigger, you could be gripping the gun too much if you notice that the sight picture has changed.
- Trigger Time – Once you realize your grip is the problem, you should practice squeezing the trigger with your finger. Concentrate on the pressure of your trigger finger and work towards keeping your gun aimed in the exact location. Trigger time should be done as a dry fire process and only progress to the range when you have the problem solved.
- SIRT Pistol – A SIRT pistol and a laser for your Glock will give you tons of info about how you pull the trigger and where your shot will go. The SIRT registers a shot from your laser canister as either a dot, no movement, or a dash, movement. Work towards having only dots when you fire and no dashes.
- Learn to be Loose – The most significant thing to practice is learning to be firm but loose when you fire. By bridging the gap between the solid stance and smooth trigger pull, you will stop shooting low and to the left.
Over-gripping the Glock is a common problem that doesn’t mean you have a faulty firearm, just a gorilla grip. However, by learning to loosen up a bit and practicing squeezing with only your trigger finger, you can get back to shooting with accuracy.
I use either Brownells, Palmetto State Armory, or Optics Planet to buy parts, that way I always know what I’m getting and that it will actually show up.
If you are constantly shooting low and to the left, you can try a few things to help. Placing blame on the weapon is a cop-out, and if you are serious about gun safety and security, then you must take the time to learn to fire accurately. If you don’t, you risk harming someone else or possibly yourself.
You can learn to get your shots back on target by practicing the drills and suggestions above. The dummy drill must be done at a range so that you can work on the recoil anticipation and practice the trigger-squeezing techniques anywhere you want as long as your weapon isn’t loaded. Always remember to be safe with loaded firearms.